Bathurst Glen End Of Season 2024


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Weekend Away Nottawasaga August 18-20

WeekendAway Nottawasaga 2023

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Weekend Away Port Hope / Cobourg July 22-24

Bathurst Glen Golf Clinic – May 11 2022
Lessons By :
David Fritz Golf Lessons Toronto, Oakville, Richmond Hill, Stouffville

Carruthers Creek Golf Clinic – May 15 2022
Lessons By: Dan Lally

What our members had to say:

“Absolute perfect weather for a golf clinic!!! Great time.  Dan did an awesome job as always and so nice to see some people I have not seen in a long time.  FYI well worth the money!”

It was really nice to see Dan and the other ladies again.
I find the lessons beneficial and worth the money. The price is fair.
Please offer it again next year. I find all I need is a refresher every
year for the minimum amount of golf that I play.”

Dan who taught the east end clinic was excellent.  I’d like to take some private lessons from him once I’ve had a chance to practice what he taught.   If you have information on where he teaches, I would appreciate it.  I’ll also attend another clinic if offered.
I met a few of the ladies at the clinic and hope to meet some more soon.”
Laura New Member

“I thought the clinic was great. Nice to meet some of the ladies and always great tips. Now just to translate to on the course!  The weather was also perfect!  This is for sure a to be continued event for future years!
Thanks for organizing.”
Sandy New Member

I enjoyed the clinic very much. It was most informative. The instructor was very good at interpreting body mechanics both good and bad.
The lesson was very good just a little too long”
Rosemary New Member

“The clinic at Carruthers’s was great. I really enjoyed it, and would do it again in a flash! Dan was good, and I liked that he didn’t try to change things, just tweaked a few things. In the past I have taken lessons/clinics where the instructor wanted to change everything. Dan was very funny also, kept things simple, and spent equal time with all. I thought
the price was great too!”
Linda – Stouffville Royal Host Director

“I thought the clinic was terrific.  The fellow was friendly and easy going.  It’s always hard to pick up tricks when you only do it once in a while, but it helped to get us going. It was also a nice chance to see the ladies again.
I would definitely participate again.
